Other 26 сентября 2016 543 просмотров The average monthly salary in Kazakhstan increases by 15.6% to KZT143,600 in 2Q2016. Prices of goods and services increased by 16.8% with food prices increasing by 27.4% The average monthly salary increases by 15.6% year on year to KZT143,600 in Kazakhstan in the second quarter of 2016. The highest salaries were paid...
Other 26 сентября 2016 286 просмотров Average monthly salary. 2Q2016 The average monthly salary increases by 15.6% year on year to KZT143,600 in Kazakhstan in the second quarter of 2016. The highest salaries were paid...
Industries 19 сентября 2016 193 просмотров Retail services increase by KZT78bn year on year in 2Q2016. The share of services to the population in total services exceeds 16%. Legal entities are main suppliers of services to the population In the second quarter of 2016 services rendered to the population totalled KZT167.9bn, up by KZT78.3bn (or 87.4%) from the same period of 2015. Total services...
Industries 19 сентября 2016 192 просмотров Retail services. First half of 2016 In the second quarter of 2016 services rendered to the population totalled KZT167.9bn, up by KZT78.3bn (or 87.4%) from the same period of 2015. Total services...
Banking and finance 13 сентября 2016 189 просмотров Commercial banks earned KZT39.3bn in July. The sector’s total profits exceeded KZT240bn since the beginning of the year. The Development Bank of Kazakhstan made net profits of KZT7.4bn In July 2016 the banking sector somewhat reduced their profits – banks raised profits worth KZT39.3bn against KZT39.8bn a year earlier. Banks’ net...
Banking and finance 13 сентября 2016 187 просмотров Profit in the banking sector. July 2016 In July 2016 the banking sector somewhat reduced their profits – banks raised profits worth KZT39.3bn against KZT39.8bn a year earlier. Banks’ net...
Regions 8 сентября 2016 200 просмотров Foreigners are actively investing in the Kazakh economy with a 25% growth year on year in January-July mainly thanks to investment volumes in March and April. The share of foreign investment in total investment remains stable and significant, and stays within 20 – 50% zone for the past 2.5 years The Kazakh economy attracted over KZT1.3tn in foreign investment, or 25% up year on year, in January-July of 2016. In July alone KZT181bn was injected...
Regions 8 сентября 2016 172 просмотров Foreign investment in Kazakhstan’s economy. July 2016 The Kazakh economy attracted over KZT1.3tn in foreign investment, or 25% up year on year, in January-July of 2016. In July alone KZT181bn was injected...
Banking and finance 31 августа 2016 224 просмотров Competition on the credit market in Kazakhstan is falling as 10 largest banks continue to account for over 80% of the market. However, Kazakhstan’s credit system is more competitive than in its partners in the EEU – Russia and Belarus The level of monopolisation in the banking sector calculated as share of commercial banks’ loan portfolios stands at over 1,000 points which points to...
Banking and finance 31 августа 2016 183 просмотров Competition on the bank loan market. June 2016 The level of monopolisation in the banking sector calculated as share of commercial banks’ loan portfolios stands at over 1,000 points which points to...